Thursday, May 14, 2009

Response to, Equality but not really

I valued Kristen’s article, Equality but not really. She addressed many of the arguments that people use when they oppose gay rights. In response to the paragraph that starts, “Homosexuality is against God's word”. I think most religious people are hypocritical. I doubt there are very many if any people that oppose gay marriage and are free from sin. While looking through articles for my last project I found this one. It says, “The Journal of Economic Perspectives found that subscriptions to online pornography sites are more prevalent in states where surveys indicate conservative positions on religion, gender roles, and sexuality.” They preach sex is supposed to be something sacred between a man and his wife but that’s not what they’re practicing.
She also addressed the argument that same sex marriage is destroying the sanctity of marriage. I feel she made a very good point when she talked about how interracial marriage was once illegal. I love how she quoted the judge as saying, “Their relationship is essentially different from that of man and wife joined in wedlock.” When I read that I thought the judge was talking about a same sex couple. It shows how our views have evolved over the years and I feel that hopefully someday we will stop discriminating against same sex couples.
I think it’s funny that those who oppose gay marriage say it will destroy the strong family system. When same sex couples are raising our children because of how irresponsible straight people are, shouldn’t these children have the same protections that children have in a straight couple’s family.

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